Events - Trader (GSM Electrical)

2025 Trader Calendar: Coming Soon!

We're in the process of finalising the 2025 calendar for Trader Trade Shows. Check back often for updates on upcoming events!

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For any event enquiries please email
  • TRADER X - Bathurst
    TRADER X - Bathurst

    When:    Tuesday 6th May  
    Where:   Panthers Bahurst 
    (132 Piper Street, Bathurst, NSW 2795)

    Ten Years of Passion, Flexibility & Partnership. It’s our DNA!

    Join Simon Gerard (Trader’s Chief), Colin Churton (QLD Chief) and Shane Twaddle (NSW BDM) for a special event showcasing the latest innovations that are transforming the electrical industry. 

    If you’re in the electrical or building industries, you’re welcome to join us!
    Register now and bring along your key staff members and don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.

  • TRADER X - Dubbo
    TRADER X - Dubbo

    When:    Wednesday 7th May 
    Where:   Western Star Hotel Dubbo
    (62 Erskine Street, Dubbo)

    Ten Years of Passion, Flexibility & Partnership. It’s our DNA!

    Join Simon Gerard (Trader’s Chief), Colin Churton (QLD Chief) and Shane Twaddle (NSW BDM) for a special event showcasing the latest innovations that are transforming the electrical industry. 

    If you’re in the electrical or building industries, you’re welcome to join us!
    Register now and bring along your key staff members and don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.

  • TRADER X - Orange
    TRADER X - Orange

    When:    Thursday 8th May, from 5:30pm  
    Where:   Orange Ex-Services Club - Green House Function Room
    (231-243 ANson Street, Orange)

    Ten Years of Passion, Flexibility & Partnership. It’s our DNA!

    Join Simon Gerard (Trader’s Chief), Colin Churton (QLD Chief) and Shane Twaddle (NSW BDM) for a special event showcasing the latest innovations that are transforming the electrical industry. 

    If you’re in the electrical or building industries, you’re welcome to join us!
    Register now and bring along your key staff members and don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.

  • TRADER X - Bundaberg
    TRADER X - Bundaberg

    When:    Tuesday 27th May
    Where:   The Old Bundy Tavern - Lookout Room
    (20 Quay Street, Bundaberg, QLD 4670)

    Ten Years of Passion, Flexibility & Partnership. It’s our DNA!

    Join Simon Gerard, Trader’s Chief, and Ryan Holman, QLD Business Development Manager, for a special event showcasing the latest innovations that are transforming the electrical industry.

    If you’re in the electrical or building industries, you’re welcome to join us!
    Register now and bring along your key staff members and don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.

  • TRADER X - Noosa
    TRADER X - Noosa

    When:    Wednesday 28th May
    Where:   Noosa Boathouse - River Room 
    (194 Gympie Terrace, Noosaville)

    Ten Years of Passion, Flexibility & Partnership. It’s our DNA!

    Join Simon Gerard (Trader’s Chief), Jordan Tentori (Zimi CEO), and Ryan Holman (QLD BDM) for a special event showcasing the latest innovations that are transforming the electrical industry.

    If you’re in the electrical or building industries, you’re welcome to join us!
    Register now and bring along your key staff members and don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Trader X - Port Pirie
    Trader X - Port Pirie

    When:    Wednesday  25th June
    Where:   Port Pirie Football & Community Sporting Club 
    (Cnr Wandearah & Esmond Road, Port Pirie, SA)

    Ten Years of Passion, Flexibility & Partnership. It’s our DNA!

    Join Simon Gerard (Trader’s Chief) and Tim Lindsay (SA Chief) for a special event showcasing the latest innovations that are transforming the electrical industry.

    If you’re in the electrical or building industries, you’re welcome to join us!
    Register now and bring along your key staff members and don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.

Contact Us

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Snow Leopard
Clouded Leopard
Flat Cat
Arctic Owl

Don't See Us On The Shelf?

Ask for Trader to be stocked at your local Electrical Wholesaler OR use the form below and we’ll ask for you!



Level 2 142-144 Fullarton Road
Rose Park, South Australia, 5067

Phone: 1300 301 838
Fax: 1300 301 778
Email Us:

Hours: Monday to Friday 7:00am – 5:00pm ACST

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